Tuesday, April 16 2024, 01:27:50
  • fatasstic


  • IWB Post
  •  January 12, 2014

To run the event with complete satisfaction, it is crucial to arrange the catering and entertainment sections and other ancillary services. The role of an Event Manager basically involves doing all the running around & it starts from the very beginning – booking the venue. Remember, no job is small. Organizing an event can look like an incredibly overwhelming & fun task but I think without a strong team/organization and good thinking capability, it become hard to move forward. The team can together start working towards avoiding confusions and last minute hurried tasks by just preparing from few months beforehand. This helps keep the finale day cool and absolutely hassle free.
Take every event like this – think of it as your mission, your framework for success – and this way you’ll be able to give your life to it. Jot down the priorities and make a ‘to-do’ list, this way you’ll know exactly what need the focus at the very moment.
Collaboration can make your job easier. A skilled team is another factor, as I mentioned above. Apart from experiences team members, select few volunteers who are trustworthy and willing to work. Let everyone put forward their idea. Every person has unique skills and we must not overlook them. I myself have experienced that from preparing the schedule & till the final event day, a team can of great support. Divide the work based on person’s knowledge. Let someone make the Schedule, other the priority list, someone a Budget-list, let few take care of Invitation Cards & Posters, few can look after the idea of welcoming the guests, and assign others the work of supervising the hygiene during/after the event. In other words they can help you get things done simultaneously.

Another thing to take care of is the proper information of event’s Venue and Time. To choose a venue, make sure it suits the requirements of your client and also make the guests say “Yeah I will go to that place. It’s a nice place to enjoy the gala dinner!’ Of course certain venues need booking months before, so keep an eye and act swiftly.

You must be super-good at managing Finances.  Make estimate of approx amount required to be spent for each action and purchases. Find ways to keep costs low. Keep an eye on every expenditure, incomes, Sponsors & other contingent operating costs. If you don’t do this methodically, you will end up with a wad of receipts, an empty pocket, and no idea of what just happened! Be realistic from day one so that to face no surprises on the last day.

At the end, I would share with this famous saying: “Into each life a little rain must fall.” That is, you can’t go through life without having anything negative happening so enjoy every moment without worries. If something goes wrong, I know you are a smart woman to handle it!

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