Tuesday, April 16 2024, 06:15:09
  • fatasstic


  • IWB Post
  •  February 11, 2014


What do you expect a couple married for 27 years to do when they enter the most happening restaurant of Jaipur? Sit at a corner and grab their food and leave?

That boredom just couldn’t happen at Café F-32! And not with Mr. Anil Warman  (Station Manager AIR India) & Mrs. Urvashi Warman (Principal Palace School) – Jaipur Women Blog’s First couple who accepted the challenge of the First Date!

While music from classic to rock to jazz was knocking the ceiling, Mrs. Urvashi was drumming with her fingers the table signaling her readiness to the playful conversation.  Courgettes Hummus Pita served as a starter by a waiter kick started the yummy interview.


Anil: In what Bollywood movie could I meet you?

Urvashi: In some action-flick…EkTha Tiger!

The crunchy sound of Nepolitan Pizza added an exclamation sign to this naughty answer!

Anil: If I wasn’t Indian, what nationality would you like me to be?

Urvashi: German! (We wonder why)

Mr. Anil searched through the menu of F32 Café to get a hint of the German presence in Continental Food. We suspected he had found it in its rich carte du jour.


Anil: If we became children again, what game would you like to play with me?

Urvashi quips: Hide-and-Seek!

The lights were also playing hide-and-seek against the backdrop of contemporary art decorating walls of the café.

Anil: If we could stop the time, what age we would be forever and why?

Urvashi: NOW! This is the best phase of my life.


Why this moment – when they have spend 27 years together – is the best time for Urvashi and why she wants to stop it? To know the secrets behind her funny & sparkling answers, click here.

SPECIAL THANKS TO CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHER VINOD SINGH GUSAIN (Know more about him: https://www.facebook.com/VinaaviImageStudio)

SINCERE GRATITUDE TO CAFE F-32 FOR SUPPORTING THIS NAUGHTY PROJECT (Visit Yourself at F-32 A, Azad Marg, Gangwal Plaza, Above Nims-Vicky Salon, C-Scheme, Jaipur City, India)

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